Have you heard the news? ITIL 4 is on the way in 2019!
By Jill Knapp, on June 29th, 2018
Hi, all!
It’s been a while since I’ve updated this blog, but there hasn’t really been much going on to report… until now!
A few months ago at the itSMF Fusion 2017 conference this past November, Axelos announced that ITIL will be updated in 2018. (Watch a video of the announcement here!) This is great news, because as an instructor, consultant, and practitioner, I’ve been feeling that some parts of the framework needed a nudge to be more current.
Here’s what we know so far:
The new edition is being updated in 2018 and will likely come out in 2019, but we don’t know if that’s early 2019 or late 2019 yet.
The new version is going to be called “ITIL 4.” Not “ITIL V4,” not “ITIL 2019,” just “ITIL 4.” I dig it.
If you have any ITIL V3 / 2011 certifications, your certifications will still be good! So there’s no need to recertify unless you feel like it.
The ITIL update will (finally!) include practical info on how ITIL integrates with DevOps, Agile, and Lean. This was a huge gap before, and one of the biggest sticking points for my students during class.
If you are an ITIL practitioner (meaning: someone with solid experience and advanced ITIL knowledge), you can contribute to the update! Join Axelos’ Global Research Program(me) and get involved! Your experience and insight matter!
The project leaders in charge of the ITIL update are people I really, really respect; knowing they are involved and at the helm gives me great confidence that ITIL 4 will be awesome, relevant, and useful. Of note, Lou Hunnebeck is one of my favorite ITIL gurus– she is absolutely brilliant. Stuart Rance is also involved, and I have a world of respect for him, too (plus he, like me, dresses colorfully… so I love him for that, too). There are other folks involved, too, of course; but I’m a fangirl of Lou and Stu. :)
You can read the official announcement and learn more on Axelos’ website.
I’m sure you’re all dying to know if I’m going to create new videos for the new edition of ITIL… and that answer is “Of course!” But I imagine those videos won’t be recorded for a good while. The new edition of ITIL is coming out sometime in 2019, and the exams probably won’t be ready until mid-2019 (I’m guessing, here). So it’d be silly for me to record videos until the new exams come out and settle down a bit. But keep your eyes peeled here and I’ll keep you updated.
I sure am excited about the ITIL update. How about you?
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I Love ITIL.
I love it, too. Just wait until ITIL 4 comes out– it’s a very different, but fascinating!
(Sorry it took so long for your comment to post!)
Hello Jill, Looking forward to see your videos about ITIL 4.
Thank you
Hi there, Safa!
I will definitely be making videos for ITIL 4, but I don’t plan on creating them for a good while. As you know, ITIL is a set of books… and ITIL 4 will also be a set of books, but only one of the books of the new edition has been written so far. I don’t feel like I can make videos about ITIL 4 (or be an expert in ITIL 4) until all of the ITIL 4 books get written and published.
It’s like writing a book report before the book even got written. :)
The current version of ITIL (ITIL V3/2011) isn’t going anywhere for a good long time, so it’s still a good idea to continue with your ITIL 2011 studies. Any ITIL 2011 credits you earn are applicable to the ITIL 4 scheme, so definitely continue learning!
I’m planning on doing a few live ITIL classes online within the next few months. I’ll keep everyone updated, I promise. :)
Thanks for your kind words and for your support!
Good day Jill,
I really enjoyed your ITIL V3 Live Lessons.
Next week I’ll be taking the V4 Training course at Torque IT and I’m really excited.
I will write the exam as well :), so wish me a good job.
Hi, Edson!
Aww, thank you so much using my videos for ITIL V3! I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed them; I really had fun putting them together.
Best of luck on your ITIL 4 class next week! I hope you enjoy it and learn a lot. If you’re like me, I promise that you will be very, very happy that you learned ITIL V3/2011 first. ITIL 4 is built on ITIL V3/2011, even though some instructors claim it’s a complete rewrite, and others claim it’s just another layer on top of ITIL V3/2011. Everyone has a different interpretation, it seems. But either way, I found myself relying VERY heavily on my ITIL V3/2011 knowledge as I learned this new version and also while I was taking the ITIL 4 exam.
Are you attending an in-person class, or is it a virtual class? Once you’re done with the class and exam, I hope you’ll come back here and leave another comment to let me (and other readers) know how you liked it, and what you thought of ITIL 4 in general.
Best of luck, Edson! I am confident you’ll do a great job and you’ll be successful!
I hope to hear from you soon!
My best,