By Jill Knapp, on December 30th, 2014
One of my best friends on the planet is the Group Policy guru, Jeremy Moskowitz. And every year he writes a “How to Buy a Laptop” guide for friends and family. Well guess what? He’s my friend, and you’re my friend, so you get to see it.
So… If you’re a techie, . . . → Click to Read More of this Post: Link Love: Jeremy’s updated “How to Buy a Laptop” guide
By Jill Knapp, on January 10th, 2012
If you’re a techie, you probably have friends and family asking you what kind of laptop they should buy.
Laptop technology is changing all the time… do you want an iPad? A Netbook? A Google/ChromeOS laptop? An Android tablet? A full-on laptop?
Let Jeremy Moskowitz guide you through the questions, answers, and options.
(Yes, that’s two Mosko-links . . . → Click to Read More of this Post: Another Terrific Link: Buying a new laptop in 2012
By Jill Knapp, on January 5th, 2012
My mentor, dear friend, and Group Policy Mastermind Jeremy Moskowitz has been writing a blog post every year that provides very practical information re: how to back up your data on your home PC.
Obviously your IT Department’s backup strategy is going to be very different than this, but these instructions are perfect for your non-techie friends and . . . → Click to Read More of this Post: Terrific Link: Backing up your data
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Psychic Powers Not Required
Balancing Demand & Capacity Management

Click the image, and watch the archived version. Runs 47 minutes.
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