Continuing our ITIL V3 Foundation test-taking tips and tricks, here’s some information about your certification:
- Once you pass the exam, you will have earned your ITIL Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management
- There is no handy set of letters you can put after your name, like PMP or MCSE, though ome people choose to write “ITIL Foundation Certified” under their name.
- Your certification never expires. You don’t need to take additional classes to maintain your certification; it’s good for life, even if new versions of ITIL come out years from now
- Don’t misplace your certificate! You’ll need to provide it to your instructor on the first day of class if you wish to take advanced ITIL courses. (Your instructor does not have a way to look up whether or not you’re certified; you’ll be expected to prove it.)
If you’d like more tips and tricks, check out my posts that fall under the “Exam Tips” category in the right-hand column.