Never thought to use LinkedIn for that…

As I’m sure you already know, LinkedIn is a social networking service for the business world. It allows you to connect to current, past (and potentially future) business contacts, make recommendations of their work, and participate in groups/message boards that are related to business topics you care about. (I wrote that for my mom who reads this blog but . . .
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Behind the scenes book stuff

We’re in the phase of the book-writing process where the editors are working their magic. My voicovers, PowerPoints, and written book portion have been long done and submitted, and now the whole thing is going through technical editing and assembly. Exciting stuff!

Everything has been going smoothly so far, except for one small snag: my book’s description on sites . . .
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Hey look, I’m famous! ran a blurb about an April Fools Day joke I played on my cow-orkers when I was the Manager of Information Systems at East Valley Diagnostic Imaging in Arizona over a decade ago.

It was funnier in real life, trust me. :-)

var gaJsHost = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://ssl.” : “http://www.”); document.write(unescape(“%3Cscript src='” + gaJsHost + . . .
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